The 7th International Advanced Oxidation Processes will take place from 8 - 10 April 2025 in Frankfurt am Main.
This conference is one of the very successful International Conference Series and serves to discuss and promote Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) in the field of water, wastewater, groundwater and potable water.
AOPs are progressing rapidly all over the world as they have proved to be successful in meeting increasingly stringent global regulations as well as protecting public health and the environment.
Continuous basic and applied R&D already helped to improve the effort-benefit ratio of AOP in many applications as well as exploring and consolidating new fields of application and concepts of AOPs.
The conference will bring forward the most recent advances in the fundamentals as well as the development and the application of the Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs), especially in the field of water recycling and reuse. It will help to disseminate new achievements in these areas and to identify future research and development needs through strong cooperation between scientists, engineers, operators, and decision makers.