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Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25
60486 Frankfurt am Main

DECHEMA promotes scientific and technical exchange among experts from different disciplines, organizations and generations.

As a non-profit professional society we consolidate the know-how of more than 5,800 individual and sustaining members. The wealth of topics addressed in our scientific bodies, events and projects enables us to work and cooperate across disciplines. In our network, future trends in research and technology are identified, debated in-depth and promptly translated into recommendations for action. Our aim is to boost the competitiveness of Germany and Europe as a pre-eminent business location for chemistry and biotechnology, to position chemical engineering, process engineering and biotechnology in the public and political spheres as important key technologies and problem solvers, and also to increase awareness of the benefits of these disciplines for society.

DECHEMA e.V. is the expert network for chemical engineering and biotechnology in Germany. This non-profit professional society represents these fields in science, industry, politics and society. Around 100 subject divisions and working parties offer a forum for knowledge exchange among experts, based on trust.